Three Password Managers To Try In 2024

By Gabriela Estrada | 01.02.2023


Regardless of the size of your business, you might have stumbled upon a few passwords you have to manage. In today's blog post, I'll be talking about three digital password manager options you can choose from.

Password managers take away a lot of the headache of manually keeping up with... yes, passwords! I used to have a password notebook where I literally wrote down every username and password by hand. I was able to keep up for a year but after that I transitioned to a digital password manager.

1. Google Password Manager

If you already use most of the products offered by Google, this might be the best and most logical option. It is free, easy to set up, and manage.

2. Bitwarden

If you don't want to put all your eggs in one basket but prefer a free option (with the ability to upgrade later on), Bitwarden might be your go-to. It is open source and offers plans for individuals and businesses.

I really liked my expoerience with Bitwarden but ended up switching after one year to Password1 for the reasons you will read in the next paragraph. Regardeless, Bitwarden made it easy for me to transfer my confidential information from one place to another.

3. 1Password

You have to pay for this password manager but the plans are reasonble priced for both an individual and businesses. The company where I work introduced this new tool to me. The business plan gives every user to take advantage of a free family plan.This is why I decided to migrate from Bitwarden to 1Password. The only caveat is if my cmpany ever decides to move to another platform, it will make it harder for me to switch over the family plan since my family and I have a lot of password in their now; they have locked me in. It has now been more than three years and overall, I have a positive impression.

I have used this app on both desktop and mobile with Window and Apple devices. Pssword1 was made to run with Apple products so the user experience tends to better when used in a Mac or an Iphone. They have made improvements to Password1 in Windows but there is still room to make it perfect.


There are many more oiptions outthere but I wanted to highlight these three for their reputation and personal experience using them. Regardless, if you don't have an app to track your passwords, I encourage you to start now. You can always change to other options in the marker as you become more familiar with them. 😉
